Why so late?


I am 27 and I'm only starting my acting career today. Why is that?

As far as I can remember, I've always loved acting. As a kid, I was a bit bullied and the stage was my one place to shine. I always landed the main roles and eventually was offered a guy's role since it was the only way to have me as a lead and not change the original script. As amazing as it was, intellectual honesty forces me to add that this happened as I was a Tomboy and widely nicknamed Claude François thanks to my haircut.

It's fair to say that I abandonned theater and any form or creative expression for a few years. As teenage times can be moments of self-exploration to many, to me they meant adapting to society's calls, stop being the odd one - I even managed to enroll for teenage classes at Cours Florent, yet do my best to self sabotage. Art and any form of creativity just weren't for me.

Years went by this way, without too much enthusiasm - but many moments of glorious joy! I managed to study enough to satisfy my academic ambitions and secure an interesting job and a promising career.

And there I was, emptier than ever. Fortunately enough, I reached rock bottom at a relatively young age (approx 26). Cliche enough, it took me one trip to Sri Lanka and two symbolically charged dreams to accept my call and look for emancipation gateways. And there I was all of a sudden, free as a bird, determined to choose my path. As they say, the rest is history...

Since then, I slowly but surely enquired about acting gigs and classes in Qatar, I read, I studied, and I landed my first roles in some short movies driven by amazing people who chose to trust me!

Yet I still don't have a videoreel. I need to get lots of experience and especially to learn so much more! If one thing, these are the most exciting times and I already know that, no matter the outcome, I will look back at them with nostalgy soon. If my recent little introspection taught me one thing, it's that no matter the regrets, nothing outtakes the numerous amazements that every adventure brings.

Thanks for reading me, I'll see you on the other side!