Le sourire

Je crois que le sourire est le secret de l’alignement entre le cœur et l’esprit, entre le créatif et le logique, l’espiègle et le sage, l’enfant et l’adulte ! Le vrai sourire, celui de faire croustiller le plaisir de la curiosité avec celui de vivre, celui de faire face à chaque instant avec témérité et volonté, grâce et désir. Le sourire…la plus belle des armes, le plus utile des bijoux ! Le sourire rend intelligent et il rend beau !

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Marine George
Night thoughts

It is nice to give time to time again… I am writing as I am listening to the radio, worried about wasting time… as if writing in my diary was wasting time… As I write, I am listening to music, feeling the sweat on my skin, noticing the heat covering my head and my jaws, my breathing patterns, feeling one of my toes relaxing, sensing that my back is tense, my shoulder, hearing the new Prince-like beat playing over the radio, and some other sounds. I can’t identify yet - but I am starting to HEAR MUSIC again and that is priceless.

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Marine George
Everything is personal.

Everything I do I want it to be imprinted with love

I want it to be personal

I want to talk to another human even through the screen. To feel how I feel about this person and communicate it through the tiniest most precise acts. Everything is personal.

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Marine George
Letting go

Funny enough it is by letting out my most vulnerable and weak and sad that I find I create my power and my energy.

It is all just about breathing, yet when breathing seems too hard, it helps me breathe. It is about taking off my defenses, being naked. That feel sexy to me.

This is how I give. In this narcissistic world I don’t pretend not to be a narcissist. Narcissism and suffering are the same thing.

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Marine George
A moment of silence

And then I realize I was fueled with hatred because of something deeper that I did not want to face. That I still don’t see…hopefully It will come soon… through Reverie(s)?

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Marine George

Et a mesure que j’écris, je me dis que je n’écris pas si mal… et j’observe le plafond, et des pensées me traversent l’esprit… C’est si doux, si calme autour de moi. Et je sens ma jambe un peu lourde, affalée sur mes draps mauve et lilas, a regarder ma coiffeuse… Ma coiffeuse… la premiere coiffeuse de ma vie. Ca me fait plaisir d’avoir une coiffeuse, c’etait un plaisir que je ne m’étais toujours interdit… il ne faut pas s’interdire ses plaisirs !

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Marine George
Theories... (draft)

Everyone has this backward idea about love, and men don’t make love to women, they have sex with them, and everyone calls it love when it is not love. Love is the absence of control, maybe. It’s sad to say but that may be just it, this ability to be yourself without a mask to freely say who you are.

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Marine George
Around the world

I look at the world and I swear I see people walking on their hands. Heading from one mistake to the next, seeing their mistakes and never learning from them. What do we do from now? We just waste time and cry? We accept the unacceptable?

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Marine George
The here and the now

Sometimes all the words we wish we could say don’t matter. And knowing things will get better one day doesn’t change anything to the here and the now, sometimes it simply is a sad story.

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Marine George

L’intimité vaut-elle la peine d’être cultivée, retrouvée, appréciée ?

Is intimacy worth being cultivated, rediscovered, appreciated?

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Marine George